

Have you made a New Year's resolution?

Have you made a New Year's resolution yet?

2017 is going to end in two days, so I reflected back on this year and made plans for 2018 using "YOUR BEST YEAR EVER 2018" worksheet.

This worksheet was made by Mel Robbins, the author of "The 5 second rule."

Thanks to this worksheet, I was able to clarify what I achieved and what I couldn't this year.

Also I could analyze the reasons why I couldn't achieve some of the goals I had set.


If you are interested in this worksheet, you can download it from the following link.




The good point of this worksheet is that you can go through the following areas of life: Health, Love, Work and Fun.

By the way, one thing I was greatly surprised at was that I couldn't describe "when I laughed the hardest in 2017." 


It was a lot of fun to make a list of "Top 5 Goals" in the four areas of life in 2018.


Now that I finished filling in all the forms, I am so excited to work on my goals in 2018.