



現在、現役で英語教師をしているJJです。 かつてアメリカの大学院と日本の大学院でTESOLの修士号を取得しました。 でも、時代は大きく変わり、日本の英語教育もようやく変わる兆しが見えています。 時代の変化とともに、教育のあり方も当然変わっていくもの…

Global Teacher Prize 2019 Top 10 Finalist

Yesterday I heard that Mr. Hidekazu Shoto was chosen as the top 10 finalists in Global Tacher Prize 2019. Global Teacher Prize 2019 Top 10 Finalist - Hidekazu Shoto Mr. Shoto is one of the most passionate teachers in Japan, and I was inspi…

What is “motivation”?

In the previous post, I talked about the issues of my teaching styles. That is, I haven't concerned about my students’ motivation so much. jjenglish.hatenablog.com What is "motivation"? Gardner has proposed that motivation can account for …

Motivation strategies in the language classroom

I have taught English at junior and senior high schools in Japan for more than decades. My teaching philosophy is to create a successful classroom. The term “successful” means that students can enjoy learning English and use what they have…